Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Final Project | ROOTY FONT



For this final project I was inspired by some experimental illustrations that I did created with ink and the use of a straw. So, I decided to continue this exploration using the same concept but instead of illustrations, creating my own font. I want to create my own set of letters applying all the knowledge and skills learned during this typographic and very useful exploration. I want to explore new fonts, letters and words just to acquire more experience in this area. I will be creating a set of letters (a to z) by the use of a template made by cardboard. On the cardboard will be designed just an outline of the letters, this is just to aloud me to have a same pattern between the letters. However, because I am starting to decide which is the best way to go to achieve my purpose, I will be doing more explorations and tests for better results. Having a template is good because how I said before my idea is to create these sets of letters by the use of ink.

The letters will be created with ink and a straw. I will put some of the ink on a piece of paper creating just the outline of the letter and then with the use of the straw I will start to blow very soft the form where the ink is placed.

Here is an example of how I will be proceeding.
Steps for creating the font:

Result from this process:

I started to create these letters without a pettern just by making a outline of the letter direct to the paper. However, while I was exploring the best way to create my font, I decided to print a set of letters such as helvetica or just as simple as an arial font to create a pattern on the paper and then tracing with the ink the letter form, and then blowing the letter with the straw.

It is better to have a pattern just to have same size and uniformity between them.

font using a pattern:

This are the complete set of characters created by ink.

With this video will tell you part of the process of "Rooty Font"

This are my new fonts!!! I thought that they have a very interesting and strong forms that will be nice to show to everyone what this font looks like in big and small format. So I decided to write a word using rooty font and print then in big format. I decided to put each letter of the word "Against" in separated posters and then placing them together in a white wall like this:


For showing the fonts in a small format I decided to print all the 68 uppercase and lowercase characters, numbers and some signs in a format of 2" x 8" and presented as samples of which letters you can use or as simple as for just appreciating the beauty of "Rooty Fonts"


Was a nice experience creating a font by hand (ink) and then having to pass through photoshop, illustrator to have VERY NICE AND BEAUTIFUL FONT..................

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


These are some of the pages for the final booklet (brief 3.3)

This are some explorations for brief 3.1 and 3.2


These are some of the pages I did for brief 3.2 and 3.3. How you see is very experimental, the illustrations are organic, and the paper used is also organic. However I am experimenting with different textures of paper and colors to see which of them riches the best.

For the last part of the proejct I continued exploring more with different layouts and came out with a first version of what my final booklet will look like. I continued with a format and layout. However, the way I started to place the text looks like a page with a format but also very dynamic and with a flow between the pages. For this part I did two versions of the booklet. One I experimented more with more curves, dynamic lines and different fonts and sizes. Using always the same color set and illustrations.

This one is the first draft experimenting with my booklet:

Thursday, March 13, 2008



Taking the layout of brief 3.1 and including my own response of the essay with illustrations and experimental format the booklet became very interesting and dynamic. I decided to explore different illustrations made by ink, scan them and trace them out for using them for my experimental booklet. For the layout of the text I started to experiment different formats, colors, fonts, placement of text in a very interesting way. I did not wanted to keep the straight format of brief 3.1 and even 3.2.

I really think that typography is very beautiful and their is so much to learn concerning of making something mean what as a designer wants to express in their piece. I did not wanted to make a clean and standard layout because I wanted to experiment myself braking the rules as some designers do such as David Carson.

These are some of the pages I did for brief 3.2
How you see is very experimental, the illustrations are organic, and the paper used is also organic. However I am experimenting with different textures of paper and colors to see which of them riches the best.

I hope you enjoy this assignment guys!!! Because I did!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008



Well, what an interesting project to practice and developed our skills on typography. For developing this project I chose the essay "The Time for Being Against" by Rick Poynor. Having the freedom to make our own decisions to present this text in an expressive way is very challenging. However, I consider that is a great way to learn how the words in a text can be able to transmit feelings and meaning. Having to chose what format, font, color, materials, prints is a excellent way to see how we can interpret a text in an interesting visual object.

As our teacher Kevin lo mentioned last class, a layout is very important to have, after we can be able to start changing and experimenting the placement of our text in the layout already created I started with a simple, clean but at the same time dynamic format of placing my text.

The format chosen for my book is 4X8". I am experimenting printing with different kinds of paper, colors and other materials to see which one riches the goal!!.

coming soon sketches and layout of book!!!
Also I will show some good ideas to bing a book......

I found I nice site where you can be able to know a little bit of how to bind a book.

These are some of the layouts from brief3.1
How I mentioned before I took a long essay (The Time for Being Against) so it came around
40 pages. Very clean and simple. Playing around with the text as a dynamic way guiding the
viewer from one page to another.

Thursday, February 14, 2008



Hi, everyone!!!
I have been a little sick but here I am again!! Well Half-Empty assignment was a little challenging for me. Having to select 3 elements (news sentences, weather info, and photo) and putting them together making aneffective composition was interesting and make me play alot with different fonts.

The 3 elements:

1. The restaurant needs much better ventilation
2. The service was very very slow
3. the room wassmoky and hot

weather info:
I took the number (0 degrees) and incorporated into the word "HOT", the symbol of the degree I placed all around the (0) to create a concept of the sun.


I incorporated 2 forks to my piece.

I satrted playing around with these three elements and came out like this.......

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


This project will help us develop a critical and sensitive eye to the typographic detailing of letter forms.  Creating an original set of characters is very interesting!!

The first part was to photograph three interesting representations of three characters, 9 pictures in total in its real world environment.


After sharing this photographs with the rest of the class, we exchanged letters and started to create words with different characters using the white and black letter forms. The word that I use was "stop". I started to play with different sizes, forms, types using the same word several times creating a different concept of what we can be able to do with simple letters and transform them into a very interesting piece