Tuesday, March 18, 2008


These are some of the pages for the final booklet (brief 3.3)

This are some explorations for brief 3.1 and 3.2


These are some of the pages I did for brief 3.2 and 3.3. How you see is very experimental, the illustrations are organic, and the paper used is also organic. However I am experimenting with different textures of paper and colors to see which of them riches the best.

For the last part of the proejct I continued exploring more with different layouts and came out with a first version of what my final booklet will look like. I continued with a format and layout. However, the way I started to place the text looks like a page with a format but also very dynamic and with a flow between the pages. For this part I did two versions of the booklet. One I experimented more with more curves, dynamic lines and different fonts and sizes. Using always the same color set and illustrations.

This one is the first draft experimenting with my booklet:

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