Thursday, March 13, 2008



Taking the layout of brief 3.1 and including my own response of the essay with illustrations and experimental format the booklet became very interesting and dynamic. I decided to explore different illustrations made by ink, scan them and trace them out for using them for my experimental booklet. For the layout of the text I started to experiment different formats, colors, fonts, placement of text in a very interesting way. I did not wanted to keep the straight format of brief 3.1 and even 3.2.

I really think that typography is very beautiful and their is so much to learn concerning of making something mean what as a designer wants to express in their piece. I did not wanted to make a clean and standard layout because I wanted to experiment myself braking the rules as some designers do such as David Carson.

These are some of the pages I did for brief 3.2
How you see is very experimental, the illustrations are organic, and the paper used is also organic. However I am experimenting with different textures of paper and colors to see which of them riches the best.

I hope you enjoy this assignment guys!!! Because I did!!!

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