Thursday, March 6, 2008



Well, what an interesting project to practice and developed our skills on typography. For developing this project I chose the essay "The Time for Being Against" by Rick Poynor. Having the freedom to make our own decisions to present this text in an expressive way is very challenging. However, I consider that is a great way to learn how the words in a text can be able to transmit feelings and meaning. Having to chose what format, font, color, materials, prints is a excellent way to see how we can interpret a text in an interesting visual object.

As our teacher Kevin lo mentioned last class, a layout is very important to have, after we can be able to start changing and experimenting the placement of our text in the layout already created I started with a simple, clean but at the same time dynamic format of placing my text.

The format chosen for my book is 4X8". I am experimenting printing with different kinds of paper, colors and other materials to see which one riches the goal!!.

coming soon sketches and layout of book!!!
Also I will show some good ideas to bing a book......

I found I nice site where you can be able to know a little bit of how to bind a book.

These are some of the layouts from brief3.1
How I mentioned before I took a long essay (The Time for Being Against) so it came around
40 pages. Very clean and simple. Playing around with the text as a dynamic way guiding the
viewer from one page to another.

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